Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Teenage Driver's

I taught my own daughter how to drive. So far, so good (knock on wood).

Recently a client asked me to teach her son how to drive. He is without a father and I understood the need for the mother to step back and allow another male to be a part of the learning and teaching process.

It was fun. We learned about each other and hopefully he is a better driver from the experience. I know my hair is a little more gray from the first couple of lessons, which had me gripping the dashboard.

I tried to keep it simple. My two main suggestions to this new teen driver:

1) Do not drive faster than you are comfortable, and

2) Do Not Tailgate.

I believe that if ALL driver's followed those two simple suggestions there would be far fewer accidents.

GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNT: Do not neglect to tell your agent if your child is getting a 3.0 or better grade average.

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