When we buy auto insurance we tend to focus on things like our deductible, whether we have coverage like glass and towing and, of course, our premium.
We all want to pay the lowest rate possible.
But if you are in an At-Fault accident is your first concern your premium?
Probably not.
The first concern is to make sure your policy will take care of the other driver. Otherwise, guess who is going to be held personally liable?
Some may disagree, but we think your Bodily Injury (BI) coverage is vital.
If you injure someone in an accident, or run over a kid on a bicycle or a motorcycle rider your bodily injury coverage will certainly pay out. But what if the injuries total more than your policy limits?
What if you only carry $25,000 BI and the other person claims injuries totalling $100,000? Guess who is responsible for the difference?
You, again.
Likely in that scenario, the other driver will have hired an attorney who will subpoena your assets. It's also possible to have some of your income garnished.
You may be very surprised but taking your BI limit from $25,000 to $100,000 is not a huge jump in premium. Give it a try. Ask us about quoting a limit of $100,000 or $250,000 on Bodily Injury.
Some may think it is the agent's job to give everyone the highest limits. It's not. Our job is to disperse advice and recommendations. But ultimately, you have to decide what type of policy and coverage you want.
And on this occasion, we sure recommend carrying very high Bodily Injury limits.
(and while you are at it, ask us about an Umbrella policy)